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Amazing Facts of Android | 11th anniversary | HTC Dream 1st phone on Android


We all know the world's most good working OS(Operating System) turned 11. It's great to see that Android is winding up better and progressively develop throughout the years. In any case, I have begun to feel old thinking about how 10 years has gone since some product was released.

From the launch of HTC Dream the 1st phone to run Android on September 23rd 2008, Android has had a lot of good and bad times. For the most part ups on the grounds that, really, there hasn't been any strong rival in the game. Microsoft could have been one, however the organization could do just observe Windows Phone turning into a piece of history.

Indeed, even the mobile market leader Nokia didn't think about Android as a danger in those days, and now we have Nokia-branded mobiles running Android (that excessively made by HMD Global).

Anyway, we should discuss the back story and some fascinating realities about the Android Operating System.

History of Android OS 

Andy Rubin began the underlying improvement of the Android OS and helped to establish Android Inc. Rubin and his partners had conceptualized an OS that would make cameras more intelligent.

In any case, in the long run, their center moved to the cell phone showcase as they began considering Android to be a contender to Windows Phone and Nokia's Symbian OS.

Android's improvement saw a noteworthy lift after Google got it in 2005. Google did whatever it could to cause Android to turn into a worldwide achievement.

A major inspiration was the organization's dubious future in the innovation world as Apple was altogether arranged to prevail upon individuals with its iPhone and iOS. 

Time passed and we saw them two tasting accomplishment in various ways. Apple's iOS stays some tea for high-spending users. Android, then again, attempted to arrive at every single cell phone it can.

Android's open-source nature has been an impressive factor behind its prosperity. Not simply the Stock experience, Android customization has gone to an un imaginable level, enabling clients to customize their mobiles from multiple points of view.

All things considered, Google has kept up an impressive portion of control over the OS by making each great bit of it closed source. All the attractive Google applications and administrations you can't survive without are exclusive. A considerable lot of them have been shipping since Android 1.0 yet they don't frame a piece of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

Some outstanding Features

In Android 1.x, Google included the Android Market, Notifications bar and the help for third party virtual consoles. At that point in Android 2.x, we saw Live Wallpapers, WiFi Hotspot, to install applications on SD cards, copy and paste feature, and so on.

In later forms, Google rolled out some significant improvements, for example, to take a Screenshot  (Android 4.0), local Emoji support (Android 4.3), Material Design (Android 5.0), Adoptable Storage (Android 6.0), Gesture Navigation (Android 9.0), Digital Wellbeing (Android 9.0), System-wide Dark Mode (Android 10.0, etc.

 Google Android's unknown facts 

Presently you realize that Android OS wasn't initially made by Google and that it was planned as a camera working OS. There are much more Android facts that you may have never known about —

 Android's logo was motivated by can signs 
Andorid Logo Inspiration

The green Android bot logo was made by well known Graphic Designer Irina Blok in 2007 when she looked up for a gaint. Blok has as of late joined Google's AI division as the Product Design Lead.

Shockingly, she got her motivation from the signs that are shown on latrine entryways. Most likely, that is the explanation the Android mascot is plain and 2D level simply like the signages.

Along these lines, as it's normally stated, extraordinary thoughts originate from sitting on a can situate.

Android 2.3 got the main Android easter egg 

Android Gingerbread 2.3

Who doesn't care for Android Easter eggs? It's something else that nearly everybody realizes where to discover them. In this way, consistently, Google concocts another easter egg baffle that gives individuals' cerebrums something to do.

Another Android truth that comes in here is that Android 2.3 was the primary variant to get an easter egg. It incorporated a picture of the Android bot and a zombie gingerbread man.

An Android bot has no name 

Discussing the Android mascot once more, Google hasn't given it any official name. That is the reason numerous individuals essentially allude to it as the Android bot. In any case, in 2011 at the Google I/O gathering, a lot of Google architects recognized they have informally named the bot "Bugdroid" and allude to it that way.

An Android version DIDN'T support mobile phones 

Andorid Honeycomb for Tablet

You may recall Android as an OS that takes a shot at pretty much every mobile phone out there that is not an iPhone. However, that hasn't generally been the situation. In the event that you recollect, Google released Android 3.0 Honeycomb in 2011 that was expected for tablet utilize as it only.

Tragically, Google couldn't hold the ball in its court. It needed to scrap the designs for a different Android variation by and large, also, how gravely Android tablets performed in the market in the coming years.

Recently, with iPadOS, Apple has made an endeavor to keep up a different working OS for its line of tablet PCs. Given the piece of the overall industry and prominence iPads have, it doesn't appear Apple has made a terrible move by any stretch of the imagination.

First Android with a name was Cupcake 

Android Cupcake 2009

We as a whole have been aficionados of every one of those cool Android names taken from the desert world. It was truly energizing to make some wild surmises each year.

During its underlying years, Android didn't really have a name, and Android 1.5 Cupcake released in February 2009 was the principal rendition to get a name.

In 2019, with the arrival of Android 10, Google chose to discard the dessert names inside and out as a result of certain reasons. In any case, Google's David Burke uncovered that it would have been named Queen Cake if Google had gone for a name.

Not simply Google, Microsoft likewise made cash off Android 

SD Card Support using exFAT

Windows Phone may have lost the fight to Android, however this doesn't mean its daddy Microsoft needs to eliminate cash.

For each Android device sold to the customers, Microsoft gets up to $10 as sovereignty cash against the utilization of its licenses. Truth be told, investigators have evaluated that at once, the organization may make over $2 billion every year sitting idle. One such innovation is exFAT which is utilized to get SD cards taking a shot at Android.

Be that as it may, a year ago, Microsoft joined the OIN and publicly released around 60,000 licenses offering help to numerous Android OEMs. As of late, Microsoft has said it will open-source exFAT and make it accessible to the Linux cummunity.

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