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SBI has given warning about deadly malware - Juice Jacking

Image Credit - (SBI/Twitter)

With large utilization of digital payments by means of mobile phones  around the world, cybercriminals are accompanying crafty tricks to go after guileless clients. Of late, there has been a gigantic spike in individuals losing their cash, as they are deceived to uncover charge/Mastercard details and OTP to hackers via mobile phone. In the most recent advancement, the nation's premier financial organization State Bank of India has given an admonition of 'Juice Jacking' otherwise known as USB charging scam, another age evil system that can infects mobile phones with malware at public places, for example, air terminals and train stations.

What is Juice Jacking? 

Hackers have apparently built up an innocuous looking but then complex USB port-like device that can be appended to the charging stations.

When an victim individual plugin his/her  mobile phone, the device can bypass the mobile security to injected malware in it and take whole documents & contents of  mobile phone including contact details, emails, messages, photographs, private recordings, and delicate sensitive financial informations.

The SBI's warning comes a long time after California Los Angeles County District Attorney division cautioned local occupants and travellers to abstain from charging mobiles at open charging stations, especially in air terminals.

Here's the way to ensure the mobile against Juice Jacking 

Always ensure plug your mobile to charging station of two-pin electrical AC outlet only.

Never ever plug your mobile to a charging station by means of USB port.

Most ideal approach to keep away from Juice Jacking is to convey your own power bank.

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