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Apple planned to acquire Virtual Reality based company for $100 Million

Image Credit - Apple (pikrepo)
Tech giant Apple is intending to get a California-based VR organization called "NextVR" in an auction said to be worth $100 million, the media announced. NextVR is an organization that merges VR with sports, music, and diversion, offering VR experience for watching a live event on VR headset from PlayStation, HTC, Oculus, Google, Microsoft, and different producers, reports MacRumors.

As indicated by the NextVR site, the organization has set up associations with the NBA, Wimbledon, Fox Sports, WWE and then some. The California-based organization has been battling lately, prompting a 40 percent staff decrease as of late.

Despite the fact that the iPhone producer has not yet uncovered the securing aggregate, the NextVR representatives have been informed that they should move from Southern California to Cupertino. Apple's supposed Augment reality (AR) glasses are additionally a work in progress and may dispatch by 2022. The organization is creating two head-worn items, including a blend AR/VR headset for the launch in 2022 and "undeniable" AR glasses for launch by 2023.

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